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一叶知秋2024-08-30 11:36:34注册公司8

Title: The Conditions and Fee Standards for Registering a Company in Shanghai

Introduction: Shanghai, as a global economic hub and a leading city in China, attracts numerous entrepreneurs and businesses to establish their presence. If you are planning to register a company in Shanghai, it is essential to understand the necessary conditions and fee standards. This article provides a comprehensive guide to help you navigate through the process.



  1. Conditions for Registering a Company in Shanghai

a. Company Name:

  • The name must comply with Chinese regulations and should not contain any illegal, offensive, or infringing content.
  • The name should not be identical to any existing registered company names.

b. Registered Capital:

  • There is no legal minimum requirement for registered capital; however, it should align with the actual business needs.
  • The capital amount should be declared in the company's articles of association.

c. Legal Representative:

  • The legal representative must be an 18-year-old Chinese citizen or a foreigner with proper authorization.
  • The legal representative should provide necessary identification documents, such as a passport or ID card.

d. Company Address:

  • The address should be within the city of Shanghai and comply with administrative regulations.
  • If you do not have an actual office address, you can consider using a shared office address provided by government-approved business incubators or parks.

e. Required Documents:

  • Company章程 (Articles of Association): The organizational rules and business scope of the company.
  • Identity proof: Identification documents of the legal representative.
  • Power of Attorney: Document authorizing an agent to represent the company during registration.
  • Proof of the company's address: Property ownership or lease agreement.
  • Personal credit report: Proof of the individual's credit status.
  1. Fee Standards for Registering a Company in Shanghai

a. Government Fees:

  • Company name search: Free of charge.
  • Business license: Free of charge.
  • Company seal making: Ranges from 499 to 900 yuan.
  • Tax reporting: Ranges from 120 to 400 yuan.
  • Stamps duty: 0.05% of the registered capital (e.g., for a registered capital of 1 million yuan, the fee is 500 yuan).

b. Other Expenses:

  • Bank account opening fee: Ranges from 100 to 300 yuan, depending on the bank.
  • Rent for a registered address: Ranges from a few thousand to tens of thousands of yuan, depending on the location.
  • Agent service fee: Ranges from 500 to 1,000 yuan for professional agency services.
  • Other costs may include legal fees, accounting fees, and other administrative expenses.

Conclusion: Registering a company in Shanghai involves meeting specific conditions and understanding the associated fees. By familiarizing yourself with these aspects, you can ensure a smooth and efficient company registration process. Remember to consult with professionals or agencies if needed, as they can provide valuable guidance and services to assist you throughout the process.



