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一叶知秋2024-09-02 15:17:32注册公司9

Title: Comprehensive Guide to Shanghai Company Registration Support Policies

Introduction: Shanghai, as a major economic and financial center in China, offers a variety of support policies to attract businesses and facilitate their establishment. This article will provide an overview of the key support policies available for company registration in Shanghai.


  1. Fiscal Incentives: Shanghai government offers attractive fiscal incentives to encourage businesses to register and operate in the city. These incentives include:

a. Tax Rebates: Enterprises registered in Shanghai can enjoy tax rebates on both value-added tax (VAT) and corporate income tax (CIT). The rebate rate for VAT is 20% of the actual tax paid, while the rebate rate for CIT is 16% of the actual tax paid.

b. One-time Subsidy: New companies established in Shanghai can receive a one-time subsidy based on their annual business income. The maximum subsidy amount may reach 100,000 yuan.

  1. Industrial Support Policies: Shanghai government has formulated various support policies to promote the development of specific industries. These policies include:

a. Technological Innovation: Support for technology-based enterprises, including R&D funding, technology transfer, and intellectual property protection.

b. Modern Industry: Encouragement for enterprises to register in industries such as finance, logistics, and high-tech manufacturing, with subsidies and preferential policies provided.

  1. Talent Attraction Policies: To attract and retain talents, Shanghai government has introduced several talent attraction policies, including:

a. One-time Introduction Incentive: High-level talents introduced to Shanghai can receive a one-time incentive of up to 2 million yuan.

b. Annual Talent Service Support Fund: Annual support fund ranging from 300,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan for talents introduced to Shanghai.

c. Housing Subsidies: Housing subsidies for talents working in Shanghai, including rental subsidies and housing purchase subsidies.

  1. Business Incubation and Acceleration Policies: Shanghai government supports the establishment and development of business incubators and accelerators, providing the following support:

a. Office Space Subsidies: Rental subsidies for enterprises入驻 business incubators and accelerators.

b. Start-up Training: Free or discounted training programs for startups.

c. Resource Connection: Help startups connect with industry resources, investors, and partners.

  1. Financial Support Policies: Shanghai government offers financial support to facilitate business establishment and growth, including:

a. Entrepreneurial Guarantee Loan Subsidy: Subsidies on interest rates for entrepreneurial guarantee loans, with a maximum subsidy rate of 80% of the interest paid.

b. Investment Subsidy: Subsidies for investment in various types of venture capital funds, with subsidies ranging from 5% to 10% of the actual investment amount.

Conclusion: Shanghai government has formulated a comprehensive set of support policies to encourage company registration and business development in the city. By understanding and utilizing these policies, businesses can benefit from the favorable environment in Shanghai and achieve sustainable growth.



